Thursday, January 30, 2014

Statue of Liberty Crop

Today in class we had to remove the sky from a Statue of Liberty picture. After copying it into Photoshop we then had to use some tools to get rid of the sky, but also make the picture really crisp and clear. I mostly used the polygonal lasso just so i can get the corners of the statue really cleanly. But I did use regular lasso to get rid of the bulk of the sky before I went into the nitty-gritty stuff. I'm still trying out the other tools but I think I got lasso down. Ta-da! And here it is.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Digital Age

The reason why I am in this class is that when I first read about the description (in my school handbook), it sounded very, very interesting. We are living in a digital age and it is not going away, so embrace it. This is my way of embracing it, taking a class so I can learn about this digital age and how to use it (because I have a hard time with technology). I am really excited about the mixed media because it is another tool I can add to my list of things I can do. Also (like a lot of things I try) it looks like a lot of fun and why not?!